Here is a summary of the information you submitted on the previous page (if you need to make any amendments, just click previous in the bottom left):
Entry submitted by:
Name: {name-2-first-name} {name-2-last-name}
Email: {email-2}
Qualification Details:
Name of Qualification: {text-1}
Qualification Abbreviation (if used): {text-2}
Fields of Application: {checkbox-4}
Fields of Application 'Other':
Any Associated Qualifications:
Qualification Hours Requirements:
Professional Practice/Application Training Hours Requirement: {number-1}
Professional Practice/Application Supervision Hours Requirement: {number-2}
Provider Requirements:
Required Qualification(s) of Trainers:
Required Qualification(s) of Supervisors:
Submission Requirements:
Written Exam: How Many = {number-4} Number of Words = {number-5}
Oral Exam: How Many = {number-6} Time Allocated = {number-7}
Case Portfolio: How Many = {number-8} Number of Words = {number-9}
Essays: How Many = {number-10} Number of Words = {number-11}
Oral Presentations: How Many = {number-12} Time Allocated = {number-13}
Case Recordings: How Many = {number-14} Time Allocated = {number-15}
Recording Transcriptions: How Many = {number-16}
Other: {text-3} How Many = {number-17} Number of Words = {number-18} Time Allocated = {number-19}
Assessment Process and Prerequisites:
Assessment Process:
Qualification Prerequisites:
Agreements & GDPR:
Please send me a payment link to make a donation using: {checkbox-7}